David Cunningham

Cunningham PhotoDavid Cunningham, President, Asia Pacific Region, FedEx Express
April 25, 2013, Holiday Inn – The University of Memphis, 6 pm

David Cunningham heads up the world’s fastest growing region; Asia Pacific, from its headquarters in Hong Kong. The Asia Pacific Division is sub-divided into three geographic regions: North Pacific, based in Tokyo; China, based in Shanghai; and South Pacific, based in Singapore. Managing more than 16,000 staff, he is responsible for developing and executing all corporate strategies and operations in one of the company’s most dynamic operating divisions. In 1989, he was appointed manager for international financial planning and control for the Asia Pacific region. In 1992, he assumed the role of Corporate Managing Director of Worldwide Financial Planning in the US and in 1994, Mr. Cunningham served as CFO-Vice President of Finance, Asia Pacific. Mr. Cunningham is currently a member of the Board of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations.

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